Carers Count

Carers are often family members, or friends; the people who live beside those with this condition 24/7, or very close to it. Carers see everything, the pain, the anguish, the confusion and the smiles when a treatment works - there should be more of those days.
The Purple Bucket Foundation executive committee is made up of people who have either been diagnosed with CRPS and persistent pain, or their family, carers and friends. We know through experience, the heartache, and difficulties faced on an ongoing basis by all who are affected.
More often than not a family member or partner become the carer of a loved one, and all too often a school-aged person is placed in a carer's role, we at The Purple Bucket Foundation want to ensure all our carers know that every single one of them Count.
Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistic Surveys (2012) are mind-blowing.
In 2012 there were 2.7 million unpaid carers in Australia
In 2012 around 304,900 carers were less than 25 years old; 683,700 were aged 25 to 44 years; 1.1 million were aged 45 to 64, and 580,000 were aged 65 years and over. (From Carers Australia).
National Carers Week is generally held in the middle of October as an initiative of Carers Australia. The Purple Bucket Foundation will be organising something for our carer members to say thank you and to recognise your support. As an extra special salute to our carers, the first Sunday in May will be “TPBF’s CRPS and persistent pain carer’s day”.
In the meantime, we have made “Carers Count” emblems for you to use as your profile picture as a way to salute your carer, and The Purple Bucket Foundation has become a member of Carers Australia QLD, and have been able to supply a number of helpful links to information for carers.
Caring for someone with CRPS
A discussion that needs to happen - a CRPS Awareness - The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. original.
Written in response to a request for an article on "how to care for someone with CRPS". It took a lot of research, talk and editing; for which I am forever grateful, thank you Colleen.
My story as a Nurse, & as a Mother & Carer of Someone with CRPS:
My heart drops and I turn away so she cannot see the disappointment in my face; all I would like to do is give her that big, motherly hug that will take her pain away. But on days like this, it would only hurt her more.
Read the whole piece here
Everyday Saints and Unsung Heroes
Caregivers sacrifice themselves for the good of others.
Religions call their holiest people saints. In secular speak, saints are people who are pure, honest, beyond reproach, and devote their lives to benefiting others. In our more common vernacular, we call those who sacrifice themselves for the good of others, heroes. Continue reading
This piece was written by Lynn Webster, M.D. August 25, 2018.