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Events & Fundraising

CRPS Awareness - The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. hold events to raise awareness, be it within the medical or the general community.

Our fundraising incentives, through memberships, events and direct donations

will be dispensed as follows:

  • The production, publication and distribution of information pamphlets and brochures.
  • Joining fees of appropriate Sister Associations.
  • Educational and promotional materials as required.
  • Any marketing that includes raising awareness about CRPS.
  • Any Australian CRPS Research Project that meets committee & membership approval.

CRPS Awareness

The first Monday in November each year is the day we 'Color The World Orange' for CRPS awareness. Since 2014 the Color the World Orange group have been arranging to have numerous global landmarks turn orange to assist in raising awareness. The event has gain momentum over the years with people sharing photos through Facebook and Instagram with these hashtags -

#crpsorangeday    #colortheworldorange    #crps

CRPS Research

Meeting the needs of people living with complex regional pain syndrome: Defining the problem CQ University conducted a research project in conjunction with CRPS Awareness - The Purple Bucket Foundation and the Australian Pain Management Association. This 'CRPS Needs Project' is an ongoing research project. The CRPS Brochure is only the beginning of what we hope to develop.  You can access the brochure here, or by scanning the QR code.

Become a member - Join Now!

all donations over $2 are tax deductible

Sponsorship Opportunities

Annual expenses. 

Your annual investment would see your business logo on our website, letterhead, emails, social media and promoted at our events and promoted by our committee at every opportunity.

Junior Warrior Pack - $6500 (50 pieces)

The Junior Warrior Pack contain printed materials that are made to last, including a cap which will sport your logo. You will also receive promotion on our website and socials.

BOH our Mascot - $9000

BOH our Bucket of Hope is very popular. We have been looking for a sponsor for quite some time and look forward to attending more events because we have BOH to draw a crowd. As BOH's sponsor you logo/name would be on his back forever. Plus you would be well promoted on our website and socials.

With U 4 Life - Donations

Contact Kim on 0411 147 367 to discuss.

We are working toward forming a National Chronic Pain Suicide Prevention Network and providing everyone working within the Australian Chronic Pain sector with free Suicide Prevention training.

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Past Events


The Australian Pain Society Conference 39th Annual Scientific Meeting and

The Hervey Bay Rotary Living Expo

Two great opportunities to raise awareness about our existence and what we do amongst two communities at opposite ends of the health spectrum.


Pain in Full Colour and

Best Dressed in Orange for CRPS Awareness

Thanks to the amazing support of Hervey Bay businesses, the incredible talents of Nadia Vanek from Three Owls Body Art and Kelli McAlpine from Healing Canvas Body Painting, we were able to demonstrate, for the first time ever, what CRPS and Persistent Pain may look like, and we received heaps of help colouring the world orange for CRPS Awareness, November 2018. In doing so many more people have learned about Complex Regional Pain


The Man From Snowy River Bush Festival

The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc, attended the 2016 Man From Snowy River Bush Festival introducing our Bucket of Hope 'BOH' and raising awareness in remote and rural communities. We also attended the Festival for a few more years as Gate Wardens, which enabled us to continue to raise awareness. 

BOH was a massive hit and we look forward to having a professional mascot made one day.
