Why “The Purple Bucket Foundation”?


In 2011 an accident (blunt force injury) changed the life of one woman – that one woman (TPBF founder) decided to make a difference by starting an Australian charity to raise much-needed awareness and education for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Months passed; with no diagnosis or CRPS specific treatment.


In 2012 (months after the blunt force injury) the CRPS diagnosis was given. Why did it take so long you may ask and why does it seem many didn’t know what CRPS was……….that’s exactly what the founder thought. Where can anyone get up-to-date relevant information on CRPS was the next big question…….and that’s where this journey begins.

The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. was founded in 2012 to raise awareness support and education for people affected by CRPS and other Chronic/Persistent Pain Conditions. Due to what seemed to be a lack of awareness, support, treatments, and education throughout Australia at that time. (2011)

CRPS is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome a chronic nerve pain condition.

The Purple Bucket Foundations name originated from a time when the only pain relief for CRPS pain, suitable for the founder of TPBF, was to soak her foot in warm water with Epson’s salts. This came about due to allergies to the medication available for CRPS at that time.

The Bucket used to do this was purple – hence the name the “Purple Bucket” foundation.

CRPS is considered rare, so an Australian Charity was most certainly needed to help build a better future for people living with CRPS Chronic/Persistent Pain. You will find information and links on this website to other resources that may assist in your quest for concise information.

During a study conducted 1996-2005, with 600,000 patients throughout the Netherlands, it was found that the overall incidence rate of CRPS was 26.2 per 100,000 per year. These statistics are still considered relevant today, as there is no other official completed study to date (Dec 2018)

Early diagnosis is crucial for the possibility of treatment/s to be successful.

For an early diagnosis to be possible, patients and health care professionals must understand and recognise the ever changing symptoms of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, CRPS.

Since our conception in 2012, we have learned a lot about what is actually happening in Australia to assist people with CRPS Chronic/Persistent Pain. We are not here to “BAG ON” about how bad the pain is (because we already know CRPS pain is excruciating) nor are we here to feed the negativity surrounding CRPS, we are here to make a difference for the better and that’s exactly what we have done and will continue doing. You will find information and links on this website to other resources in relation to, CRPS research, Chronic/Persistent Pain education, and management.


Mascots and advertising characters – Creative awareness marketing

Why a Mascot, why BOH?

BOH – Bucket Of Hope (pronounced like ‘Bow’ and arrow)

BOH’s name stems from the abbreviation ‘Bucket Of Hope’. As The Purple Bucket Team Mascot, BOH’s job (like everyone else’s) is to help raise awareness! BOH’s mission is the same as ours: to raise awareness about CRPS, chronic/persistent pain and The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc.

Mascots, advertising characters, and coloured ribbons are common amongst charitable organisations or causes. Often a particular coloured ribbon is shared by more than one charitable organisation / cause. The orange ribbon, for example, represents CRPS awareness and many other conditions / causes (16+). BOH carries an orange ribbon for CRPS awareness at all times.

Mascots and advertising characters are typically known without even having to refer to a particular organisation or in this case a particular medical condition. BOH certainly does pull a crowd and raise interest, awareness, and education for CRPS.

When holding community events to raise funds, as well as awareness and education, having BOH to mingle with supporters and interested groups is beneficial to CRPS awareness, and helps to break down barriers that might be a hindrance in getting our message across. While The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. typically raises funds to increase awareness and support research, our message is one of hope, hence BOH the Bucket Of Hope. A mascot like BOH creates a positive, fun experience and makes people smile………. all the while raising awareness for CRPS.  In 2014 BOH our “Bucket of Hope” was born – created by the TPBF crew to help bring life to this cause by getting attention everywhere and anywhere. BOH not only carries an orange ribbon for CRPS awareness and a purple ribbon for chronic/persistent pain, BOH carries HOPE.

  • Hope that more people today understand the complexities of CRPS
  • Hope that more people will receive early diagnosis
  • Hope that more people will receive better treatments and success with new treatments
  • Hope that research will one day find a cure
  • Hope that education & awareness never stops
  • Hope that more and more people will get behind BOH and help make a difference

A life-size BOH mascot was made in 2016 by the TPBF crew. BOH raised awareness, educated and entertained thousands & thousands of people at The Man from Snowy River Bush Festival in 2016. There is no doubt BOH draws a crowd and raises awareness.

The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. Supports “Color the World Orange”

“Color the World Orange” was first established in 2014 in America. Many supporters like us across the globe joining in; by wearing orange in November and hosting events to spread awareness about CRPS. Many other groups and organisations across the globe focus their awareness campaigns at this time of year in their home countries, to take advantage of this lighting spectacular by participating to show support and also help raise awareness for CRPS.

Often more than 100+ well-known buildings, bridges, and landmarks in countries (including Australia) across the globe will turn orange for ‘Color The World Orange day™’ #CRPSORANGEDAY #TPBF the 1st Monday in November (every year)  

Carers count

The Purple Bucket Foundation believes carers count too. In 2014 the carers count emblems were completed, in recognition of the people who are carers for people living with CRPS and chronic/persistent pain.Carers are often family members or friends; they are the people that live alongside the people with this condition 24/7. Carers see everything, the pain, the anguish, the confusion, and frustration. They also see the smiles and relief when a treatment works, pain management is successful and life improves.

The Purple Bucket Foundation encourages carers to remain as active and positive as possible and to continue encouraging the people they care for to also remain as active and positive as possible. You will find links to assist with different strategies on this website.

Carers are often the silent heroes.

2016 – 2017

Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods

The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. received notification that their application to have the medical device Scrambler Therapy® Technology MC-5A, CE Certification 0476, had been approved for supply in Australia and registered with the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods. This paved the way for Scrambler Therapy® Technology MC-5A to be available within Australia. Also enabling practitioners/operator’s direct access to the standard official training course, which certifies the operator to the correct methodology usage of Scrambler Therapy® Technology MC-5A and the dedicated software designed exclusively for Scrambler Therapy. You will find links to further Scrambler Therapy information on this website.


In 2018 TPBF crew made a 14-litre bucket size BOH and a purpose build remote control skateboard was custom built by Chris Muller, to again bring attention to what we do, get the crowd in, raise awareness and education about CRPS Chronic/Persistent Pain.

I kid you not when people see a purple bucket with a smiling face scooting around on a skateboard, they want to know why………so we tell them…………..Then they go home and tell their family and friends they met BOH the little purple bucket on a custom build skateboard raising awareness for CRPS. 

The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. secured;

  • corporate sponsorship with Fraser shores developments
  • awareness partners within the local corporate community
  • Exhibitors Booth at the 2019 Australian Pain Society 39th Annual Scientific Meeting. In the IASP Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable. 7 – 10 April 2019 | Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, QLD. http://www.dcconferences.com.au/aps2019/exhibitors

2018 – 2021 and beyond

The Purple Bucket Foundation’s ongoing membership with Suicide Prevention Australia enables us to keep eyes and ears on the National Suicide news and information, and has allowed us opportunities to ensure CRPS and Persistent Pain are not left unnoticed.

Having two of our committee members attend the joint Roses in The Ocean Lived Experience Summit and 31st International Association for Suicide Prevention World Congress, June 2018, enabled our voices to be heard.

We are committed to raising awareness and bringing attention to the dangers of Suicide within the CRPS and Persistent Pain communities. 

No More Suicide From Pain

2012 – 2018 and beyond

All committee members associated with The Purple Bucket Foundation Inc. are unpaid volunteers, working together to build a better future for people living with CRPS and Persistent Pain.  

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